Answer the following questions: (100-150 words each)Reference: Lewicki, R., Saunders, D., Barry, B. Negotiation. Explain the key steps in the Integrative Negotiation process. Explain basic elements

Answer the following questions: (100-150 words each)

Reference: Lewicki, R., Saunders, D., Barry, B. Negotiation.

Explain the key steps in the Integrative Negotiation process.

Explain basic elements of a distributive bargaining situation as well as the strategy and tactics of distributive bargaining.

Why successful integrative negotiations are often difficult to achieve?

Explain the major elements of a process for selecting a negotiation strategy and how to execute that strategy.

Discuss the two primary negotiating strategies.

Explain the importance of establishing target and resistance points in negotiating.

What is integrative negotiation?

Watch this video and discuss.

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