Aviation Security Improvement Act states that the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) can refuse to divulge information about airport security.

Aviation Security Improvement Act states that the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) can refuse to divulge information about airport security. The family members of passengers who were killed in a terrorist bombing of an airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, requested certain airport security information from the FAA under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The FAA refused this request because it interpreted ASIA to mean that the agency had the right to withhold data in spite of FOIA. May the families take their case to a federal court?

a.Yes, because the FAA does not have the authority to interpret the ASIA.

b.Yes, if the families have already received a decision from an ALJ and FAA appellate board.

c.No, because the courts may not overrule a federal agency’s interpretation of a statute.

d.Yes, because ASIA is the more recent statute.

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