Compose a 500 words essay on Synopsis of the of Psalms in the Bible. Needs to be plagiarism free!
Needless to say, Psalms is the largest book in the entire Bible and has been quoted in more than 74 times in the New Testament. The book of Psalms also contains the shortest and the longest verses in the bible and the verses that are at the center of the Bible. The Psalms contain 150 songs, which are prophetic in nature. This is because they foretold the coming of Jesus and His ministry. The primary theme of the book of Psalms is “My God and Me.” This is because the book portrays that a true believer in God is marked by right experiences and right thinking2.
Additionally, the book of Psalms has other themes that include humankind’s need for salvation from sin and misery, humankind’s celebration of their deliverance offered by God and humankind’s praises and thanksgiving to God. Notably, all these themes are reflected in all psalms3.
The Psalms was written by numerous authors who include King David, Asaph, Solomon, Moses, Ethan, Heman and sons of Korah. David wrote 73 Psalms, Asaph 12, Solomon 3, Moses one, Ethan one, Heman one and sons of Korah wrote 94. It was written for a period of approximately 900 years. King David was the most-prolific writer of the book of Psalms and wrote almost 80 songs in the book. Among these Psalms in this book, the oldest is Moses’s prayer, a replication on the weakness of man as contrasted to the perpetuity of God.
Majority of the Psalms run through incidents of Israel’s history, particularly the story of Israel’s flight from Egypt and its entry into the Promised Land5. Psalm 137 offers a beautiful lamentation of the ancient periods of Israel’s captivity in Babylon. This poem starts with the visualization of the Israelites crying by the banks of the Babylonian rivers, desiring for Zion. Psalms are divided into thanksgiving and praise, supplications and lamentations and those devoted to wisdom6.
The book of Psalms is portioned into five segments. These include the