Compose A 750 Words Essay On Food Chemistry Needs To Be Plagiarism Free The Proc

Compose a 750 words essay on Food chemistry. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The process does not change fatty acid composition of the starting material, therefore, interesterified oil or blends are considered to be stable. The process makes the oils have a smoother melting point, improves plasticity as crystallization properties change. There also is an improved functional and nutritional property associated to interesterification (Armond, 1998).

Hydrogenation is a chemical reaction that involves the addition of hydrogen across carbon-carbon multiple bonds and thus increases the saturation and the melting point. It is a process employed in the hardening of fats. In most cases, catalytic hydrogenation is utilised with nickel metal being the widely used catalyst. Three types of hydrogenation reactions are practiced. First is a light hydrogenation that reduces linoleic acid in soybean to produce oils with large shelf life. Second is extensive hydrogenation and third is partial hydrogenation. Partial hydrogenation involves the hydrogenation of some and not all double bonds present to be converted to single bonds. It is a complex process. Hydrogenation on heterogeneous catalyst is reversible and the double bonds remaining in the partially hydrogenated fat may have changed position and configuration. These affects melting point and has nutritional consequences (Frank, 2004. pg 146)

Mohamed et al., (2012) developed functional fat from butter oil and moringa oleiferous oil (MOO) by interesterification. He seen a significant increase in oxidative stability with the increasing augmentation of MOO blends. From his study, he concluded that MOO and BO can be used in the formulation of functional and shelf stable fat. Vegetable oils and fats are known to be stable to oxidative rancidity, healthy and pose a low risk of coronary heart disease. In his study of oxidative stability, Mohamed et al. (2012) observed that peroxide levels at 100% augmentation of MOO were the lowest compared to levels at 50%. High peroxide

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