Project #1
Market Capitalization and Profit by Sector. The file Fortune500Sector contains data on the profits, market capitalizations, and industry sector for a recent sample of firms in the Fortune 500. LO 5
- Differentiating observations by using a different color for each industry sector, prepare a scatter chart to show the relationship between the variables Market Capitalization and Profit in which Market Capitalization is on the vertical axis and Profit is on the horizontal axis.
- Emphasize the relationship between Market Capitalization and Profit within the healthcare sector by formatting all other sectors with data points in gray with no fill. Create a trendline based only on the observations in the healthcare sector. What does the trendline indicate about this relationship between Market Capitalization and Profit within the healthcare sector?
Project #2
Business Graduate Salaries. In the file MajorSalary, data have been collected from 111 College of Business graduates on their monthly starting salaries. The graduates include students majoring in management, finance, accounting, information systems, and marketing.
- Create a PivotChart to display the number of graduates in each major. Which major has the largest number of graduates?
- Create a PivotChart to display the average monthly starting salary for students in each major. Which major has the highest average starting monthly salary?
Project #3
Write a summary on Predictive Analytics for a minimum of 850 to 900 words