Font I: Paragraph IT. PROIIZO Pr iru’iples of Pi D] ctMaiiageiuent Inn 201′- Temi Project 1. Each team will oompletne d’le followrng deliverabla…

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Font I: Paragraph IT. PROIIZO Pr iru‘iples of Pi D] ctMaiiageiuent Inn 201‘- Temi Project 1. Each team will oompletne d’le followrng deliverabla [check Rubric in Term Project Folder] fortheirselected projects: 1a. Project description In. Stakeholder register 2. Lifecycle Assessment 3. Knowledge Areas Outputs applicable to project case4. Project Charter 5.WDrk Breakdown Structure 6. Network Diagram/(Entical Path mma8.3tatus Report and Change Request Process 2. Each team will include the following project dooo me rits needed for the delivera tiles for theirselected projects; a. :efieepe Project SummaryI ObjectivesI Scope [in-scope and out-ot—scope)I AssumptionsI ConstraintsI Deliverable;Work Breakdown Shucture. Break down the work to level 3.Stakeholder RegisterMCI CllirtBuiketslieetResource HistogramCommunication MatrixRisk RegisterDocument describing the Integrated diarige Control processI This document will descrihe a stepehyLstep process for managing changes on theproject. lt will also include the Change Request Form and Change Request log(Change Register) templates attached as appendices to the document. ’The fist oftempfotes will be provided on DC connect DR teams may create their own as fits to their project. Your team MAYinclude additional templates to meet thedeliverables of YOUR UM’QUE prlject. the workload should be evenly di ributed among team members. Dne team member will 1 l Prepared b3 , mm SUI es PROIIZOO Pr iru‘iples of Pi uje tMaiiageiuent Inn 201‘- suhmit project documents electronically using the Assignment Folder on DC Connect. 3. Each team l| complete one project status report. Direteam member will submit report using the assignmentfolder on DC connect. Marks: 1211.35 discussed I: Editing Gram!

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