Running head: PLAN STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT Plan Stakeholder Management Michael Lofquist Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Effective Communications…

i need a 2 page paper written on the subject below. This paper is to be a continuation of one that was written before this one.  I am including the PMI book also a paper written prior to this one. In the paper please answer the following questions listed below. In apa format.

Control Stakeholder Engagement

·  Using the required sources of information, write a paper discussing the “Manage Stakeholder Engagement” and “Control Stakeholder Engagement” processes in project management. Each source of material must be referenced at least once within the body of your paper.

·  Provide an overview of the processes.

·  Discuss the stated and implied importance of the “Manage Stakeholder Engagement” and “Control Stakeholder Engagement” processes to project management.

·  Discuss whether or not you agree with PMI’s decision to add the processes to a new knowledge area within the PMBOK® Guide. Provide an explanation/ justification of your position.

  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2

Running Head: Project Stakeholder Management Project Stakeholder Management Student’s NameCourseProfessor’s Name Date Surname 1 Project Stakeholder Management Surname 2 Project Stakeholder…

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