11.You are a top executive in an organization that has been presented with the opportunity to acquire a rival company. the rival has been having financial problems and you believe that it would be mistake to spend so much money for a company that might go bankrupt. however, you know that the other executives on the advisory council will disagree with your opinion. According to the text, which of the following would be the best approach to managing this potential disagreement and building your credibility?
A)Be firm but specific in explaining your reasons for why you believe your organization should not acquire that rival company.
B)Talk about how you and the other executives in your company almost never disagree on anything, so you are surprised that they would disagree with you on this issue.
C)Acknowledge the potential benefits of acquiring the company first and then explain your reasons for why you believe your organization should not acquire the rival company.
D)Although you have your misgivings, the number of executives who believe that your organization should acquire the rival company far outnumbers you, so you should keep quiet and let the majority do as it please.
E)You should not even attend the meeting, because you would only be causing trouble and it is unlikely that the others will listen to you anyway.